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Hourly Rate


仕事詳細 Job Description


​勤務時間 Working Hours


​休日 Days Off

週1日以上、月7休 程度、シフトによる交代制

▪️資 格

  1. 18歳以上、健康で遅刻や欠勤なく明るくまじめに仕事に取り組める方

  2. 接客業に相応しくない頭髪・装飾品・身だしなみ等は、当社規定に合わせていただきます。


白馬五竜スキー場 とおみ・アルプス平ゲレンデ

  • When will the ski resort open and when will I start working?
    The ski resort typically opens in early December with natural snow, but it can vary between mid-November and late December, depending on snow conditions. As for the start of work, it depends on the specific job role, but you should plan to be ready around December 10th to 20th.
  • I hope to start working not from mid-December but from somewhere in between. Is it possible to consider my employment?
    Generally, we prioritize those who can work throughout the season. However, the job positions are limited, but we can consider hiring in the following time frames: early to mid-December, late January to the end of March, mid-February to the end of March, and from March 1st to March 31st.
  • What is your policy on hair color and accessories?
    All workplaces in this service industry cater to a wide range of customers of different ages. When it comes to hair, please consider whether it is suitable for the assigned workplace. We generally prioritize "cleanliness." During work hours, hair should be tied back so that the face is visible. Flashy nail polish, makeup, necklaces, and excessive perfume are also prohibited during work. For those working in food and beverage-related workplaces, in addition to the above, there are areas where piercings, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches, and nail polish are prohibited.
  • Do employees have the opportunity to transfer between different job positions? Is it possible to submit preferences for such transfers?
    After arrival, there are generally no plans for changes in job positions. Therefore, when considering recruitment for the selected job positions, the preferences of applicants are given the highest priority.
  • What is the ratio of men to women in your staff?
    The gender ratio varies depending on the season and the circumstances of applicants. On average, it's about 60-70% male and 30-40% female.
  • I am an international student (or working holiday visa applicant) studying Japanese.I am concerned about my Japanese language skills. Is there a selection in English?(Or what level of Japanese do you need?)
    While we have considered conducting the selection process in English, we haven't implemented it yet. In all workplace and dormitory environments, daily communication is conducted in Japanese. At the very least, a basic level of Japanese language proficiency, allowing for simple conversations, is required.
  • Do you have an internship program ready?
    While we do not have a formal internship program, please feel free to reach out for a discussion on the duration and purpose of an internship opportunity.
  • How many people can occupy a room (shared room) in the dormitory?Also, is it possible to use a private room for an additional fee due to concerns about infectious diseases?
    The operation of the dormitory will depend on the hiring situation (the ratio of residents to commuters). We do not have specific restrictions on the use of the dormitory. We plan to provide 4-person and 6-person rooms, and we anticipate that there may be more cases of shared rooms with 4 or 3 people. Unfortunately, individual rooms will not be available.
  • Is it possible to bring my own car?
    Parking is available at a location approximately a 10-minute walk from the dormitory. Additionally, we require the submission of a copy of optional insurance certificates in advance.
  • Those who work outdoors
    (We will provide cold-weather attire as a uniform.) Please prepare cold-weather work gloves, cold-weather work boots (it's convenient to have a backpack that can fit the boots without being bulky), a full set of ski or snowboard gear, and innerwear that doesn't stick out from the cold-weather attire (hoodies are not allowed).
  • Those who work indoors
    We will provide shirts or sweatshirts. Please prepare pants (chino pants, cotton pants, etc.). Avoid wearing jerseys, sweatpants, and jeans, and it is prohibited to wear torn or sagging pants down to the hipbone. Also, prepare indoor shoes (sneakers, etc.).
  • Those who are planning to work at Subway
    (We will provide polo shirts or shirts.) Please prepare black slacks and black leather shoes or sneakers.
  • Those who are planning to work at Yogorino
    (We will provide polo shirts or shirts.) Please prepare beige chino pants and indoor shoes (such as sneakers).

Staff Accommodation

The staff dorms are approximately 150 meters (2 minutes' walk) from the resort's base center "Escal Plaza" at the Toomi Ski Resort. The south-side of building is the women's dormitory, and the men's dormitory is located on the north side.





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